So, you’re thinking of moving because it’s a little too inconvenient to live at home.
Many folks age 60+ begin contemplating a life change due to new circumstances. Some people have too much house. The kids are gone and here sits a large 4-bedroom home that is barely being used. The question becomes, do I stay or do I leave? Would downsizing make more sense? Or perhaps location or finances is the issue. Today, we’re going to talk through some of the scenarios that you may be experiencing and hopefully you will be able to gain clarity in what is best for you.

Too Much House
The decision here needs to be whether or not you can maintain the home first and foremost. There are some other creative ideas that could come of this situation as well. It may be beneficial to have a son or daughter and their family move in to help you maintain the home and the grounds. This is quite popular now and benefits all family members involved. The grandchildren could help with the yardwork and daily tasks such as wheeling the trash cans to the end of the driveway. Someone is there on a daily basis to help with technology, transportation, yardwork, or repairs.
In most cases, downsizing would be a great option. In this case, the question to ask yourself is where you should move. You could simply buy a smaller home or move into a 55+ community or mobile home park. The nice thing about these communities is that there can be more opportunities to socialize than the neighborhood you currently live in. Many of them provide activities for the residents which helps prevent loneliness or depression. Another option is to rent an apartment or share a house with a friend.
This can be a problem if you have always lived in the country and now you need to move closer to town for shopping or doctor’s visits. It is something you may want to think about carefully. What do you have in the country that you love and you would like to have living closer to town? Perhaps it is a park that you can walk in or a yard to plant flowers or plant a vegetable garden. Whatever it is, think carefully about where a more convenient location would be that you could live with.
This is typically a problem if one of the spouses passes away and the surviving spouse is left with one income to make the house payment. It depends on how much equity you have in the home, but one option in this case is to speak to a lender about a reverse mortgage. This is an option that allows you stay in the neighborhood you are in to maintain the same social connections such as shopping, church or walks in the park.
As we get up in years, we need a little more help at times. It could be a shower bar, ramps, easy-to-turn faucets or a jar opener installed under the cabinet. With just a few minor changes, you could actually stay in the home. In many communities, there are agencies that will make these modifications at no cost to you.
Whatever your situation is, reach out to me and we can talk through your situation and maybe come up with a solution that fits you the best! You can email me at
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I am Carla and am here for you when you are ready to speak with an agent who specializes in working with seniors. I can help you with senior resources in general and would love to talk with you more - just give me a call 530-566-5085
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Gold Group Realty
16981 Placer Hills Rd., Ste. A1
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